Quickborn Consulting was featured in a local daily newspaper in Hungary called Heves Megyei Hírlap (Heves County Daily) introducing a programming competition and open careers day organized by Quickborn in March. The company CEO, Gabor Tozser, was interviewed in this occasion. The original article can be read in the enclosed clipping from Heves Megyei Hírlap newspaper and in the HEOS online version (available until March 26).
The English translated summary of the article can be read below. Quickborn Consulting is looking for co-workers –You can meet the company at a programming competition and an open day Quickborn Consulting, founded in the USA, is organising a programming competition and later an open day in Eger, Hungary. Regarding this occasion, we asked the founder, Gábor Tőzsér (who was born in Eger) about the history of the firm.
“I had spent one year in the States with a scholarship, then I returned as an exchange student and also attended university there. Based on my knowledge about retail software I founded Quickborn Consulting in Minneapolis in 2003. Two years from that, Oracle acquired and integrated into its own system the vendors with a profile like ours. After founding the company, I moved to Germany and worked with retail customers there. Quickborn came to Hungary in 2005. First, we opened an office in Budapest and two years later, in Eger.” Gábor Tőzsér said that most of Quickborn’s long term customers (6-8) are in Europe but 3 clients are in the States. “Quickborn Consulting started from zero” – he added – “but now we are employing more than 100 people worldwide.”
Regarding the programming competition and the open day, the reason is that the company wants to extend its team in Eger, Hungary. Thanks to the continuous and steady growth, Quickborn is looking for both junior and experienced programmers. The programming competition that will take place on the 12th of March is part of this growth strategy. According to Gabor Tozser the tasks and challenges in the programming competition resemble those that Quickborn programmers face in their everyday work. The announcement of the competition’s results will take place at the Quickborn Open Day, 26th of March.